
Small but significant

This is something that many people, fluent in HTML or not, don’t know. They go through their lives programming away, using it in every chunk of copy they add to sites, without knowing the true potential of its use. It’s been around since the beginning of time (and by time I mean the birth of html) it’s the underrated and misused Non-Breaking Space ( ).

twitter follow buttons icons

Twitter Follow Buttons

Design deck is currently giving away free Twitter Follow Buttons. Check them out.

Included is 16 layered PSD Follow buttons with icons, 8 white & 8 blue with alternate wording – Follow Me, Follow Us and Follow button also included is matching icons at 48px x 48px in size.


My welcome post!

I’ve been meaning to put up a blog for the past couple years and only recently have had the time to sit down and put one together. Over the next few months I will be posting regularly. Often times the post will be filled with useless (but entertaining) ideas, and other times it will be the most educational thing you’ve learned all month. One thing is for sure though; it will be entirely devoted to web design. My name is Jon Gaulin and I’m a web developer.